It was always in our plans to leave a legacy of the Thame Remembers project in the form of an album of events and activities lodged at Thame Museum and the Town Hall.
However, it became clear early in the project that many of our supporters, and those who participated by the laying of crosses or wreaths, would like there to be more and for it to be something that they could keep.
We already provide individual certificates and a report for each cross or wreath delivered but the feeling is that something more substantive should be available.
We have therefore been working at producing a book to cover the whole project and to include a report on every single delivery. These would not be restricted in size as are the individual delivery reports, and so we could include a lot more information.
There are many decisions to be made in the production of a book and we have carefully worked through the options to arrive at a book of about 250 pages, A4 size and in full colour.
The book will not be available until the end of the project, with a probable launch at Thame Literary Festival in 2018. Of course all this comes at a cost. A book was not included in the initial budget, and so we must find ways to fund it. One options is to cover the cost of the initial print run of 250 by subscription.
Is this something that you would consider? The list price will be £25 but there would be a early pre order discount to £20.
Please let us know using our contact form if this is something that you would consider – paying in advance to secure your copy.