The individual plaque project continues to gather pace and you may have seen a number of these in-situ across the town. We are thrilled so many current residents have agreed to take part.
The project aims to place a small cast metal plaque at the house in Thame of each service man who died for his country in either World War, but only where an association with that house can be identified beyond reasonable doubt.
Currently 89 names have been identified across 78 addresses in the older parts of Thame.
By the end of October, we have already fitted 51 plaques at 49 addresses commemorating 55 soldiers (see the map for where), with a further 10 to be fitted during November.
This leaves 19 plaques still to be taken up, to commemorate 24 men.
What if I have information to add?
We would be delighted to hear from anyone who has additional information about an individual person or about a house location.
How much does it cost and can I make a contribution to the project?
We welcome all contributions to the project. Whilst we are able to part fund the project, to be financially certain of achieving the whole project, any donation that house owners are able to make following installation will be greatly appreciated. The cost to us is £42 for each plaque. Please contact us for details of how to make a contribution.